Recording the music

The 20th of October was the date for recording the music of The Rose of Turaida at Studio 301 in Sydney.

All ready to begin recording for the day.


I flew to Sydney the evening beforehand to be present for the wonderful music that Nicole Brady, the composer, had been working intently on. Though, Nicole was responsible for more than just writing the music alone, she did an amazing job of organising the entire day, which included such things as booking the studio and gathering all of the musicians. Nicole really is super talented!

Nicole is listening closely to the musicians while they are being recorded.


Working side by side with Nicole, I was able to give my input in where necessary, but for the most part, Nicole ran the show with extremely capable hands.

Nicole is hard at work, while I watch.


The first musicians to be recorded were the string section, led by Tristan Coelho as conductor, and what a wonderful sound he was able to skilfully extract.

With Tristan Coelho conducting, and Phillip Hartl as concertmaster, the string section was in capable hands.


Next was Laura Bishop, lending her talents as a fantastic vocalist and percussionist. Laura’s voice has such a beautiful and unique quality, it was an honour to have her perform on the film.

It was a joy to her Laura's voice.


The final musician to record for the day was Daina Kains on the traditional Latvian instrument, the kokle (pronounced “ko-ahk-ley”). Daina provides a true sense of authenticity to the music, and it was a pleasure to hear in person, the instrument that represents the country of my grandparents. It is moments like these that inspire me to make my films.

Such a soothing sound.


All in all, a successful day that went off without a hitch, thanks very much Nicole!


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